152 words Since we already have the rampage spec mod, why not give us a kill clip mod as well? 146 words Bungie: Destiny 2 story in 2020 will take "completely different approach" in future seasons 233 words At this point i would rather have expansions again over seasons 203 words We need more sources for highly rolled armor and no affinity locks. There's simply too much RNG right now. 121 words This Iron Banner shows how ignorant Bungie is with their community, and that they need to change how things work 162 words I just want to say that the Season of Dawn is immediately impressive and a huge improvement over Undying. 203 words The Economics of Destiny and Eververse 205 words Bungie, you clearly did not listen to play feedback on Bright Dust in Shadowkeep. 258 words Burn-out and the art of yearning 325 words Aztecross' knowledge on the crucible 207 words Seasonal weapon mods need their own mod slot 333 words This game has some of the friendliest players I’ve ever seen 208 words What’s working and What’s Not [Spoiler] 215 words What was the point of building the portal next to Ikora? 150 words This Week At Bungie 11/14/2019 373 words Your Story 150 words Can I get a TL;DR of the story that happened after D1? I only played D2 during its free weekend last year but don't remember anything. (I played all of D1 and its DLCs though) 118 words Why do you want sweaty stats when playing casually ? 616 words Opinion: The Shattered Throne needs a weekly pinnacle and flawless emblem like Pit of Heresy. 178 words Everyone's moaning about the Bright Dust while ignoring what could really help solve the problem