183 words She is spitting facts 239 words I really like 7, 8, 9 and 10 but... 105 words Aerith and Tifa! (Art by Fadingz) 232 words So… what critical story details are hidden in the Datalog 214 words Is there any reason to choose Pixel Remasters over other versions? 554 words Well Deserved! 362 words What do you guys think this surprise announcement could be? 243 words [Spoilers] How to bring Gogo + Umaro to the World of Balance and the Floating Continent on console! (No Codes/Mods) 292 words Sp... why is Seymour in the wrong? 135 words If FFX were to be remade with modern graphics would you prefer it to retain the turn based combat or have them remake it FF7R style 517 words Yoshi P recent remarks frustrate me 297 words Why is FFVIIR choosing the left-most monitor? It's not even designated as my main monitor. 337 words The winner is FFX! FFVII is defeated in the final round with 54% of the vote. Thank you all for the participation and lively debates in the comment section. All poll statistics are now public here: https://strawpoll.com/user/vivifying-v and I have attached a JPEG to this post. 199 words FF7R is the best single player ff game since ff12 258 words Vs XIII obsession scrapbook - Still can't seem to let this one go 151 words Rant: Square Enix just can't catch a break (Re: Pixel Remasters) 230 words (FF8 / Plot Analysis) The real villain of Final Fantasy VIII is History Itself 124 words Final Fantasy 14 question about how to play 245 words A Modern Games Query 146 words Final Fantasy X had the best romantic story in the series