339 words What does it feel like to be a woman? 127 words What do people mean when they talk about identity as separate from material conditions? 414 words Trans activists: how do you explain women who “lived as” men for extended periods without apparent gender dysphoria? 188 words TRAs (QT and transmed): What is the evolutionary purpose of gender identity? 207 words Why do TRAs consistently use their platform to silence females rather than call out the males that kill & beat them? 123 words The trans and gay slippery slopes 187 words Should transgender people be allowed into spaces that are sex-segregated for safety? 10 words Why does the term SWERF even exist? What is wrong with Criticizing an industry that exploits women and gay men and upholds patriarchy in a huge way? 287 words Non-trans gay people, how do you feel about trans people who are exclusively attracted to the opposite natal sex calling themselves gay. 246 words QT: Would you honestly prefer that we lie to you? 154 words Where do you think transphobia originates from? 184 words Trans women, let's play Bingo! 277 words What purpose should the word "woman" have? Why is it important? Can there be more than one correct definition of the word? 338 words Why do some trans people think brain sex validates their identities? 571 words What points of your side are constantly misunderstood and how can you better explain them here? 256 words How does GC view Kathoey, Hijra, and others? 796 words Phenotypical Attraction 305 words How can a person distinguish a trans woman from a cross-dressing man? 227 words let's discuss this with A Restricted Vocabulary 213 words What do lists of crimes committed by "trans-women" prove?