203 words Nearby high school was put on full lockdown. This man passed out tacos (from his restaurant) to stressed out parents who were waiting across the street. 155 words One of the most respected in the business (Dr Younus) lost a hero today in his team just minutes ago. RIP Kious 273 words Because of a genetic abnormality and financial burdens, a 21-year-old uses a full set of dentures. This year's 'Dentist Bro of the Year' offers to gift her a full set of implants - and, another kind reddit user offers to help cover any travel expenses if needed. Thankful for you good people! 131 words Little hockey player helping another player from the opposite team after she fell 144 words So Beautiful! 196 words A Freshman in high school was getting bullied for wearing the same clothes to school everyday. His classmates decided to buy him some new clothes and new sneakers. 172 words Canda and Denmark being Bros 166 words International flight next to a non-verbal autistic 10 year old child 185 words This guy does this every Saturday night at the biggest intersection in my town. 287 words Little mouse gets a second chance at life 147 words My man Ron was just a total stranger that stopped when he saw me stuck on the highway, changed my flat, and escorted me to Les Schwab where he works so they could get me some new tires!!! 131 words WTF you trying to do? Ohhhh 235 words Paula Strawn is a legend 307 words Single Mom who did not have money to buy electricity tokens gets over 100 times what she had asked for from Twitter 163 words Photoshopper has some thoughts 121 words Help can come from anywhere. 158 words Men need to make other men accountable ~ Terry Crews. He's a true bro. 171 words Shop owner catch a shoplifter and instead of getting them arrested, he feeds the kids because he's hungry. 143 words The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Massey NZ opened their arms to the local Muslim community to share an interdenominational service. They also provided a room each for men and women to perform their 6.35pm prayers. (photo by Linda Carter Councilor in Auckland NZ) 273 words In light of yesterday’s incident, this is what Christians interacting with Muslims should look like