Men need to make other men accountable ~ Terry Crews. He's a true bro.

That's not r/humansbeingbros. This Sub is dedicated to people going above and beyond when they really don't need to do so. Like going in a burning house to save a dog, or jumping into a iced lake to save a dog, or to the people that went to the funeral of the guy whose family could not attend. Besides his position as a celeb, he said nothing special, there is nothing brave about saying "Yeah we need to hold criminals accountable". There is also nothing brave or special about saying "I am not a Nazi" or fuck insert everything you want, "I am not a Rapist"/ "I am not a Murderer" / "I am a nice guy"(This one usually is a lie) / "I am not an arsonist". Like no fucking shit Sherlock, you are not special 99% of the Population are not murders. Beeing a decent human being does not make you special, it makes you fucking average.

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