170 words LPT: no matter what your job is learn to manage your manager. Learn what they want/need/expect from you and what you can do to make their job easier so they give you as much space as possible. A good day at work is better than being right about something or doing it "your way" 292 words LPT: Don’t use fabric softener on sweat-wicking/performance wear. It clogs the fibers and materials with a waxy film, rendering the clothing’s purpose useless. 189 words LPT: If accused of something you didn't do, just respond "No, why would I?" This shifts the burden of truth to the accuser (giving you time to respond) or will bait them into revealing biases they may have. 164 words LPT: When planning for a wedding, get pricing from caterers, florists, tables/chairs, etc. as just a party, not a “wedding”. 150 words LPT: if a child is giving you something, take it off them. No matter what it is, children don't have a lot of things and their world is very small, and they are choosing to give you a gift. 148 words LPT: Before buying something you want on a whim, take a few days to think about whether or not you really need it. Save your money instead of having buyer’s remorse. 136 words LPT: Getting angry with people for making mistakes dosnt teach them not to make mistakes it teaches the to hide their mistakes 186 words LPT: Don’t buy a knife block with 8+ knives because it seems like value for money. They’ll be worse quality and you realistically only need 3. 180 words LPT: Just because they are family, does not excuse their bad behavior. Cut them out of your life if you have to. Or at the very least, have as little contact as possible. 233 words LPT: Someone who is smart makes a mistake and learns from it, someone who is wise learns from the mistakes of others - both of these should take the advice from strangers online with a grain of salt 1,506 words LPT: You don’t have to fight to survive in a hospital. You just have to ask nicely. 141 words LPT: went on a bad date? Just be honest and say you are not feeling the spark. No need to ghost. Take responsibility for your own feelings, while helping the other party to not worry. 255 words LPT Quit Instagram.You will realize that you wont give any more fucks about what others think about you. 147 words LPT: As a lawyer, don't take legal advice from Reddit. 155 words LPT: When buying an appliance purchase one with the longest warranty. They are always the most expensive but companies that offer 10, 15, 20 year warranties are confident in their products quality and longevity. You'll end up saving money in the long run. 136 words LPT: As a lawyer, don't take legal advice from Reddit. 253 words LPT: Get pet insurance. I had a $3k bill for my cat's overnight vet stay a few years ago. Now, I just pay $25 a month and they cover $5k in injury/illness expenses a month 256 words LPT: Imposter syndrome is normal. You will likely feel inadequate or like a fraud at some point in your career. Don’t give into it— you’re doing better than you think. 153 words LPT: Before moving into a new apartment, go visit it at night and weekend nights to see how the neighbors really are. 155 words LPT: Instead of complimenting your kid how smart they are, compliment how hard they worked.