LPT: Before buying something you want on a whim, take a few days to think about whether or not you really need it. Save your money instead of having buyer’s remorse.

I 100% agree with your tip but just want to tell people who need to hear it that it is ok to spend on a whim sometimes and not to get too caught up in an future that isn't guaranteed.

I struggle with this sometimes, the opposite of most people. I rarely buy myself anything and talk myself out of most "luxury" purchased, so much so that my wife gets me underwear and socks for Christmas because I need those things and feel like "eh these boxers with holes all over them work just fine, why waste money?" I put away money each month diligently for our family goals of having a house and retirement fund, that. . .that is easy for me. Spending money though? I feel guilty every time.

So just hear to tell some people it's ok to free yourself and buy something every once in awhile.

/r/LifeProTips Thread