LPT: Before moving into a new apartment, go visit it at night and weekend nights to see how the neighbors really are.

YSK: I am the bad neighbor

I play music obnoxiously loud up until midnight, and sometimes after that (although it does get turned down at least a few notches after 12 looool). I also listen to podcasts many nights until 3 or 4am....... I constantly smoke cigarettes out the front and back porch of my apartment, and will sometimes sit in my car in the parking lot for hours at a time to talk on the phone with my family..... with the car running..... the building is very close to the parking lot.

I really do try to be courteous of my neighbors the majority of the time, but I've finally moved into my own apartment (NO FUCKIN ROOMATES/FAMILY!!!) and I am loving the newfound freedom I've never had before. It's only been a week or two so maybe that feeling will die down soon. Maybe not?

The girl upstairs hates me, I think.

/r/LifeProTips Thread