124 words LPT. Protect your hearing at all costs. It will never regenerate and the ringing as you get older can be deafening. 135 words LPT: People with “Street Smarts” drop your best tips. 314 words LPT: Cars as status symbols is a really stupid game that you do not want to play. 136 words LPT Request: How to deal with racism in school? 134 words LPT: Think about your day in terms of "Energy management" in place of "Time management" 132 words LPT If you’re a teenager create a nice signature now before you use the same scribbled version of your name for the rest of your life. 150 words LPT: If you are young and worried about your future, become an electrician/join the trades. 180 words LPT: If you are young and worried about your future, become an electrician/join the trades. 149 words LPT: If your boss or HR tells you that you need to quit or you will be fired, don't quit. Let them fire you. 222 words LPT: Reverse Image search your dating app matches before making any meetup plans. 128 words LPT Request: What are some of your favorite apps that really make an impact on your life? 173 words LPT: Despite what you see on TV just because you check into a facility on your own, does not mean you can leave anytime you want. 162 words LPT : How to get a raise, one way or another... life advice from an old guy 219 words LPT - If an older relative or friend tries to give you their old stuff, just take it and say thank you - even if you don’t want it! It can be hard for them to throw away things from their lives, and you are doing them a favor by helping them downsize. 138 words LPT: If you have parents or family on fixed income, their finances have likely come under extreme stress with inflation but be to proud to mention it. Try to find stealth ways to chip in on the down low when you can. My method and another I heard of. 142 words LPT: If your friend owns a business, don't ask for a friend discount or for some free products, a great friend is one that pays full price to support their friend 322 words LPT: If your employer puts you on a performance improvement plan or suddenly starts asking for daily reports out of the blue, start looking for a job 126 words LPT- you never really know somebody until you see them when they’re angry, rejected and hurt 202 words LPT: If you're feeling emotionally volatile and/or unable to deal with the stress or challenges of life, you might just need more sleep. 397 words LPT: Your time is always better spent helping another person rather than those who don't want what you have to offer. People in need have to want to be helped first, no matter how bad you think they need it.