183 words What do you consider cheating? 689 words Being in a ldr :) 322 words The "what if's" rant. 384 words Previous nevermets: What was your SO (or you) most surprised by when visiting your (or their) city/country for the first time? 355 words A survey XD but I truely love reading these things 932 words We're graduating college (F/22 & M/24) and moving to different states for different jobs, he says that I am the perfect woman for him but he doesn't think he can do distance and feels we should end things, is there any convincing him otherwise? Has anyone else ever been in the same situation? 353 words [ NEED ADVICE ] Am I [20/M] doing anything wrong? What do I do? (Texts included between me and her [20/F]) 410 words I can't take it anymore but I don't want to end it 897 words Really long rant about LDR causing me stress. 642 words LDR never to meet. 1,518 words Lonely but happy because of LDR's happiness and how my 2015 turned out (LONG READ) 329 words How long before you said I love you? 541 words Fell for each other hard in just 3 weeks, she's moving across the country next week. 383 words Venting. Long story.. 473 words It's taken my boyfriend a month and a half to mail my anniversary gift. Starting to feel really low priority :( 453 words Opinions? 486 words [F/26] On the verge of a meltdown from lack of communication with SO [M/31] 548 words SO (22/f)'s first visit - refused entry to UK. Devastated :( 360 words People who have moved to be with their S.O. -- did you find it emotionally difficult to move? (Please help) 371 words Me [26M] and my long distance girlfriend [22F] broke up a while back...