How long before you said I love you?

We met online - and were flirting a lot, and basically dating but I never dared it to call it official. We were 4500 miles apart after all. Then she visited my country and stayed for 9 days. It was something out of a movie. Never experienced anything like it. Constant smiles, holding hands, kisses, sex, going to the beach, amusement park, giving her my coat when she was cold, walking in the woods together, going on a bike ride. Tons of anecdotal events still funny years later.

I perfectly fine the morning we woke up and she had to leave. I was oblivious. I hadn't thought about it, a relationship. I had been living in the moment you know?

But we approached the airport and this sinking feeling happened. She knew it before me, and I was just catching up. I was never going to see her again. It hurt. So so much. Instantly went from cheerful to down.

Then we were in front of her gate. It felt SO very unfair. Why did she have to go when we were so happy? We hugged, we kissed. I whispered: "I love you." She told me: "I love you too." with tears in her eyes.

Again, it was like a movie, our hands let go, fingertips last to hang on. She kept walking. I begged her in my mind to come back because she was beyond the gate and I couldn't go there. I wanted her to look back, but she couldn't she told me later. I watched her go.

I cried on my way back in the train, my heart was broken. I felt absolutely ruined, and so did she, she told me later. We decided to stay together from that point, realizing how intense love can be. I never had experienced anything like it.

...and now here we are, 7 years later and we're living together, married. Happy.

But yeah, that was the first time we told each other that. :)

/r/LongDistance Thread