324 words Elitist's Thoughts: Being good at Planetside 2 is genetic 294 words Elitist's Thoughts: Being good at Planetside 2 is genetic 310 words These new loading screen hints ARE helpful, something most games fail at. 205 words Building a new Pc. Any help appreciated :3 303 words Hacking is getting out of control on Emerald. Is there any plan to address this in the near future? 500 words Malorn on Twitter: "Solution to 50% of PS2 Level Design Problems: select *biolab* | delete" 309 words [Idea] Multiple Base Capture Systems 337 words AskAuraxis - The weekly question thread 407 words "Daybreak CEO to go after hacker who downed his flight" 361 words "Daybreak CEO to go after hacker who downed his flight" 329 words "Daybreak CEO to go after hacker who downed his flight" 393 words Gameplay session to show I'm not hacking (Sorry for the quality, it's still processing) 341 words Sinist has a temper tantrum after dying once again. 322 words Gameplay session to show I'm not hacking (Sorry for the quality, it's still processing) 566 words Gameplay session to show I'm not hacking (Sorry for the quality, it's still processing) 415 words Gameplay session to show I'm not hacking (Sorry for the quality, it's still processing) 449 words Why is default safe drop on Valkyrie not a thing yet? 293 words The biggest problem Planetside 2 has is its first impressions. They are unforgiving and very discouraging to new players (especially those without friends to guide them) 483 words New player here 560 words A poem for you mods