New player here

Certainly it can be said that the cert gain has increased quite a bit, from what I understand there's a ton of medals now that give 1 cert each.

However, lets look at this in another standpoint.

At an increase of about 300 certs per weapon, its going to take me 75000xp more to gain enough to buy a new gun.

Of course, I don't just want one gun. Which means its another 75k xp extra, on top of the original price.

If I were to get the standard 17xp per second as an engineer for refilling and repairing normal players, it would take me an extra 1 hour and 13 minutes of constant gain per gun.

In normal gameplay, that could translate to anything up to 6-12 hours

If I were to constantly gain 75xp per second as an engineer for refilling and repairing squad members, it would take an extra 16 minutes of constant gain per gun.

In normal gameplay, that would translate to anywhere from 2-4 hours.

This is on top of the price the gun already has.

Sure, you might say you can try X or Y strategy to get tons of certs, but keep in mind, we're talking about new players.

New players won't always go prowling for the optimum strategies or be able to execute every single tactic, or heck, even afford some of the needed items that boost cert gains.

I myself after having gone digging and trying my best have made at most 200 certs in 20 hours of gametime by playing and with medals alone.

This is just discouraging and it certainly doesn't help with the multitude of BR 100 players running around and killing you with guns you can't yet access.

Theres a lot of stuff that factors in, and i'm definitely not the best person to present it.

However ultimately several key things remain.

  1. New players are going to feel the grind really hard.

  2. Old players aren't going to feel the burn from the changes because they already have what they want.

  3. This means new players are going to have to fork up money, or end up spending a crap ton more time grinding than the old players did, even with the increases.

  4. The mediocre to downright hillarious lowering of the DBC costs on items doesn't incentivise a purchase.

  5. That leaves us with a currency that has inflated costs with only a slightly boosted income and the bailout package was a cabbage. (Which the middle class didn't qualify for.)

All joking aside, the move really just screws over new players, and it certainly feels like a way to disguise making players waste their time, or pay.

Planetside 2 in this sense, is in more ways than one a battle of attrition.

(Also, the gameplay itself isn't fun when you're restricted to dying because you can't fight the players who are not only better than you, but also better equipped than you.)

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