A poem for you mods

Wow, these are some butthurt admins!

One of the things that can be observed with serious addiction cases is the gradual disintegration of personality. In effect, the addict's body and personality become mere devices for the procurement of the addictive substance or behavior. Everything else, every other characteristic, is blunted or erased completely.

But I think if we look closely at the people around us, we can see that behavior which pushes people away from social interaction causes gradual erasure of the self, to be replaced with what are merely tics, fetishes, and compulsions (these lead to arousal and excitement but are curiously joyless).

The same process appears to be at work with transsexuals. The first clue is the willingness to destroy close relationships through neglect, abandonment, or outrageous behavior. Such destructive activity results from a long descent into the fetish of autogynephilia–the process of fetishization infects the personality like a cancer, eventually crowding out all other desires and attachments. Relationships, which have inherently altruistic qualities for healthy personalities, weaken and break apart because the fetish becomes the central desire as in cases of chemical addiction.

The second clue is the desire to self-mutilate, usually in the form of taking opposite sex hormones but sometimes going to the extreme of genital mutilation to outwardly resemble that sex (of course internally nothing has really changed). Similar to cases of anorexia nervosa, in which women are so consumed by a distorted self-image that they destroy their own bodies in response, transsexuals often make repeated alterations to their appearance that exposes them to significant health risks–everything from tracheal shaving to facial surgery to radical genital alteration.

The third clue is the newly self-centered personality. Before assumption of a transsexual identity (that is, when there is still some control over the transsexual fetish) many of these people achieve success in their careers and produce families, whereas afterwards they appear to exist for no other reason than to be transsexuals.

Contrary to transsexual arguments, this is not because they have discovered their true identity but because they have obliterated their true identity. As I have mentioned elsewhere, at the heart of this is a great misconception, that the self is a pure entity that is masked or distorted by conformity to social rules. The exact opposite is true–the self only comes into being through the formation of healthy social relationships. The brain is plastic but it is not indifferently so–there is healthy development and unhealthy development. The former maintains psychic security and resilience through social relationships, and the latter malnourishes through isolation and obsession.

One need only look to the claims of transsexuals to see that they are completely deluded and inauthentic. Among other things they claim that they feel profound discomfort unless they are allowed to wear opposite sex garments (especially underwear) which do not really fit their bodies. This is a classic fetish symptom, the sense of agitation or restlessness unless they can experience the fetish even though it interferes with enjoyment of normal activities.

My argument is that this is more than just delusional behavior, it is part of a process that destroys personality. Secondarily, we can judge the unhealthiness of this and other behaviors by the degree to which they damage important social relationships.

Here's another one for ya

/r/Planetside Thread