Sinist has a temper tantrum after dying once again.

I've explained this many times. I have fun trying to chase the stats of JFHO and NivX. If I don't maintain a 2+ KPM the first hour that means I need to get more than 2+ KPM the second hour and so on. Eventually it get's too far away so I delete restart and try again. I don't have any in game friends I just do it to entertain myself. The new cert system up until level 15 has actually made this even easier. Before I'd buy a couple boosts here and there to get medkits etc faster, now I can get max medkits, near max lvl adren + nanoweave before BR 15.


I still login to use my other account if I want to make a character and play with the weapons I purchased in the past or play a different class etc. I just don't keep them because it's a one off thing. I'm weird IRL in that when I move onto something new I throw out everything old, I guess it just transferred over to this.


Eventually if I'm playing a long session on the weekend I'll run into the same enemy more than once, they'll notice the difference in BR and high directive points they send a tell. I'll say ya, I just like playing for random goals. Currently trying to get 100 kills without dying only using the beamer etc. Most people laugh and say that's awesome have fun. Although more times than not others decide to jump factions and TK me a bunch or troll with constant tells. So I started used new account to avoid the harassment.


Again you're playing broken telephonee with my stats, never said 2-4 KPm said 1-2 KPM. I posted a game play session where I started out 36-0, after that maintained a KD around 11, dropped as low as 8 then back to 12 for an hour and half with a 1.5+ KPM until Sinist showed up to TK me 21 times back to back at which point I stopped caring and logged off.

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