We NEED to win Michigan: If you are in Michigan, read this post and share the info with family and friends! Request a ballot, tell your family and friends to request a ballot, and vote for Bernie!!!

We need some way to mobilize young people to vote. The best shot we have is if someone somewhat influential among young progressives (like Kyle Kulinski or Cenk) makes a vehement, strongly-worded plea to encourage young folks to vote.

The reason Bernie lost is the age gap. It's not a race thing. It's age. We need young people to vote.

Look, I get it guys. The line ups suck. Us 20-somethings have very little patience, and short attention spans. But you cannot call yourself a progressive, or a Bernie supporter, if you do not vote.

We get one shot at this. I doubt we will ever see a pure, incorruptible politician like Bernie ever again. You need to do what's necessary.

/r/SandersForPresident Thread Link - i.redd.it