137 words Eating a piece of brown sugar from your oatmeal packet knowing full well it makes the oatmeal less sweet is one of the most relatable and widespread examples of how humans will take instant gratification over long-term enjoyment and benefit nearly every time. 144 words Earth moves about one degree around the sun each day. 121 words The lottery prize is now high enough that even by choosing the lump sum, a rich person could buy every ticket combination and still win a profit. 135 words Most women would be astonished at how little most men care about body imperfections. 182 words Being high in front of your parents is like trying to do a perfect impression of yourself. 237 words Kanye West probably thinks he is a genius because he spends most his time with the Kardashians. 119 words Kanye West probably thinks he is a genius because he spends most his time with the Kardashians. 171 words Having an unseen handicap is like fighting through life with the difficulty set on "high" while everyone judges you against the default difficulty level 137 words When people hear about 1C of warming that doesn't sound like a lot, but consider the human body: 37C is normal 38C is a fever 39C is high fever 40C is life threatening. The planet is already 1 above normal. It already has a fever. The high fever is coming 211 words If someone with 100 billion dollars gave someone 0.1% of their wealth they would change their life without phasing them in the slightest. 297 words Noah was a brave man for sailing on a boat with two termites. 114 words In Star Wars normal bullets would have made lightsabers near-useless. 149 words If “time is money,” “money makes the man” and “money is the root of all evil,” then Father Time is Satan. 125 words Telling a dangerously overweight person not to lose weight because they're beautiful is like telling an alcoholic not to stop drinking because they're fun. 259 words A tv show where CEOs live on their companies lowest paying salaries for a month. 137 words If Tony Stark and Bruce Wayne are examples of what great intellect and vast wealth can achieve, then Steve Jobs and Bill Gates are huge disappointments 200 words It's fucked up that when you have low self-esteem, other people liking you makes you question their judgement. 304 words If you watch Jaws backwards it's about a shark that throws up so many people they have to open a beach. 123 words Aliens, AI, and Human Consciousness 124 words All the adult vikings in "How to Train Your Dragon" have Scottish accents, the teenagers have Midwestern accents, and the movie takes place in Scandinavia. Gobber is the only one with a proper accent.