135 words The people who speak negatively about "millineals" is the generation that raised them 123 words A different version of you exists in the minds of everyone who know who you are. 127 words Watching the cashier at a Chinese restaurant turn around and yell something that you don't understand at the kitchen is an essential part of the Chinese food dining experience. 188 words Depression is like wanting to go home but already being there. 222 words Airports have seen more sincere kisses than wedding halls. 138 words The world is not getting worse, the data is getting better. 141 words Going to bed without having to set an alarm is one of the most satisfying feelings ever 204 words Notice how the friends that never text you back are the ones always on their phones when you see them 151 words Every time kids complain about school or anxieties they have in life, there always seems to be an adult to tell them that "real life" is going to be worse, there's taxes and stuff. That guy is full of shit, school was far more stressful and being an adult is awesome. 220 words In a zombie apocalypse eventually there are gonna be houses filled with smoke alarms with low battery beeping that may distract the zombies. 352 words People are never really interacting with the exact you. They only interact with their "perception" of you. 151 words If someone is excited about something and you make them feel stupid for feeling excited about it, you are officially the worst type of person. 183 words If people grew vegetables like they do marijuana we would have the healthiest, tastiest vegetables ever. 135 words Being 35 and not wanting to work in the field for which you've prepared is like being half way through an RPG and realizing you've built out your skill tree all wrong and you can't respec and you can't make a new character and there will never be another video game again 211 words Conspiracy Theorists will believe low quality footage of UFOs but not HD footage of a rocket landing. 131 words College students don't want to go to graduation ceremonies, but they go to please their relatives, while relatives don't want to go but go to support the students; we should all just be honest and skip that ceremony and go out for pizza. 212 words Apple kills your phone battery, while Samsung tries to kill you with your phone battery. 138 words There's probably some women out there whose children secretly belong to the wrong man and are freaking out about the fact that people are taking DNA tests for fun. 128 words Anxiety is like when video game combat music is playing but you can't find any enemies. 147 words In the movie Armageddon, it probably would have been easier to train astronauts to be drillers, rather than drillers to be astronauts.