If someone with 100 billion dollars gave someone 0.1% of their wealth they would change their life without phasing them in the slightest.

I definitely appreciate your response. This is a fascinating topic for me. There certainly is no need to be sarcastic though. I know how dumb it sounds to reference “my dad”. But I certainly don’t care much for our relation. He just happens to be the one person I know who pursues this topic aggressively and effectively. It’s literally the focus of his Current career (executive coaching).

I’m sure your experience in a disappointing general population is accurate. I’ll admit that I’m accustomed to working with high functioning individuals who truly NEED to generate value to satisfy their existence. I’m simply not in contact with a large pool of shitty people.

Since we’re necking with the subject: what is your opinion on basic income? From my understanding I can imagine the lazy/unmotivated individual receiving this pathetic basic income. And then in turn I can see all the real people I’m accustomed to pursuing their efforts relentlessly and earning very significantly above their basic income alternatives.

Do you think this structure has any potential? What does an ideal structure look like to you? I’m very interested in hearing what is ideal in your eyes based on your experience. Thanks for any response!

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