Some of us elder apes saw today coming a mile away. Don't lose sight of what's important. Buy DRS HOLd

Were we in a frenzy, though? I mean, I honestly dont know. I hopped on the hype train (in spirit anyway) out of spite because I was tired of being told how to feel - especially when I had been feeling very little about it beforehand.

Anyway, a few posts and the usual blabber about hype didn't really seem like a frenzy to me. What seemed more like a frenzy were the multitude of people saying "don't get hyped" and sentiment thatleaned more towards the insulting type (insulting who, I dont know, and neither did they).

I feel like weve come full circle with this kind of stuff after today, back to where we started. Where the reaction TO something (in this case, the reaction to the NFTcon theory) FAR outweighs the actual happening of it.

It's the whole backlash to the backlash Burnham theory.

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