422 words Do Americans actually think they are in the land of the free? 124 words How do you console a suicidal person without guilt-tripping them? 122 words Why aren't women who falsely accuse men of rape given severe punishment? 124 words What should I do with the vaccine? 164 words Am I becoming a millenni-boomer, or is modern music really turning to trash? 355 words Am I becoming a millenni-boomer, or is modern music really turning to trash? 168 words Why are Lesbian women so fetishized? 131 words do i have a right to be scared to the vaccine? 234 words Do polyamorous people send nudes to their groupchat? 218 words Why do people seem to not care about climate change? 441 words Why are people seemingly more bothered about slavery that ended over 150 years ago that they can’t do anything about, than modern day slavery, which they can do something about? 157 words As a white person living in the U.S., I want someone to tell me why at 29 years old I’m just learning about the Tulsa massacre from youtube? This is one of the evil acts that whites have committed against black people in our history and I should have learned about it. 169 words How do you know for sure what your sexuality is? 152 words Why do anorexic/bulimic people get so much emotional support but overweight/obese people just get treated like animals? 213 words Westerners (i.e. Americans, Canadians, Europeans, Australians, etc) of Reddit, does India seem more culturally different to you than other non-Western countries? 445 words Why is it ok to make white characters black but not the other way around? 141 words Why is it ok to make white characters black but not the other way around? 132 words Is it sexist to want a housewife, and why? 173 words Why are there so many creepy indian men on the internet? 125 words Why is it the norm that we have to be woken up up by something other then our internal clock to then force feed and shit ourselves to get to a job which the majority hate for about 40 hours a week? Wasn't one of the benefits of technology to make our lives easier and more enjoyable?