How do you know for sure what your sexuality is?

I have been attracted to women in the past, but I realised recently that it was because my needs weren’t being met in the relationships I was in, and somehow in my mind I attributed women to intimacy in a way I didn’t to men. So when I was in a relationship (with a man) which was an empathy wasteland without much genuine intimacy I found myself attracted to women. Now that I’m in a relationship with someone who is meeting those needs and who instinctively and organically meets me on that level I am no longer attracted to women.

It was a weird disconnect in my heart that I didn’t understand and truthfully I consider myself to be heterosexual now that I understand that.

That said, I don’t think it matters. In the future if that changes that’s ok. I’m happy to explore whatever comes up as I progress through life. My sexuality doesn’t need to be a fixed state.

/r/TooAfraidToAsk Thread