161 words What’s with all of the panic news stories about declining birth rates and declining fertility? Isn’t this actually a good thing due to overpopulation, famine, etc? 166 words What’s with all of the panic news stories about declining birth rates and declining fertility? Isn’t this actually a good thing due to overpopulation, famine, etc? 133 words Am I a racist? 109 words Does anyone else feel like we are too quick to label events as a product of racism? 124 words Why do people say “it always gets better” ? 141 words What’s wrong with using my sexuality and femininity to benefit me? 165 words Does anyone else just have a really... "meh" bond with their siblings? 201 words Anyone else always here takes out there headphones to see if other people around you can hear it? 139 words Why am I transphobic if I don’t want to date a trans person? 245 words Is it bad to dislike the creation of new genders and pronouns? (read text before hating) 120 words Do most people never contemplate suicide? 707 words Serious question. Why do we keep trying to keep suicidal people alive as much as possible? 321 words for everyone who has already suffered a profound depression and almost committed suicide, but somehow managed to overcome all of this and currently manage to live a minimally satisfying life: how did you manage to do this? what attitude have you take to be able to change all of your mental state? 172 words BLACK LIVES MATTER, or should we support ALL LIVES MATTER? 176 words Do most people assume vegans are into animal rights? 121 words Am I selfish? 134 words Web design or web development? 125 words Can a person be pro-trans rights while still believing that trans women/girls should not compete against cis women/girls in sports? 187 words Is it just me, or reddit is a *bit* racist to Indians? 158 words Why don't police brutality protests specifically target police stations, cop cars, court houses, and other official buildings instead of retail stores and private businesses? Wouldn't this force change faster and make the correct people suffer?