Why is it ok to make white characters black but not the other way around?

Scientists agree. People who have studied history, geography etc. agree. People who are reasonably intelligent agree.

But people who are indoctrinated into a cult to believe that Jesus, and God, are white because the most prominent art found of them throughout the times were made by white people, for white people. So this comes up when someone who is a "believer" tries to argue that Jesus was "white" instead of "brown". Then someone tries to reason with them with facts and logic (would a Chinese baby born to Chinese parents in 1000 AD be "white" or look "Asian"?) they refuse to believe it and walk away (or the other party gives up and walks away. And the cycle continues. And what do schools in USA teach about Jesus? That he is white (I don't know)? And the cycle continues with new people.

/r/TooAfraidToAsk Thread Parent