Why do anorexic/bulimic people get so much emotional support but overweight/obese people just get treated like animals?

Thank you for your comment- 15 years into my ED (anorexia to bulimia back to anorexia). Although I’m underweight again and only the few people I’ve admitted to (aside from my husband and the therapy that I pay for) don’t seem to care. It is extremely lonely, I don’t have energy to keep up with friends, terrified of people looking at me eat, people at work tease me because they don’t see me eat, I have odd food rituals, the list goes on. I get so sad when I see posts with such little understanding of eating disorders. My family has had years to learn about them and how to be supportive but they haven’t. I don’t see the world changing soon. Eating Disorders are incredibly miserable and misunderstood. They are absolutely not talked about enough by the right people and awareness needs to be spread.

/r/TooAfraidToAsk Thread Parent