339 words Oh is that what it feels like? Sorry not sorry. 243 words Relevant. 204 words Harsh but true, my favorite kind of true 230 words MRW this week in r sex - yet another discussion about convincing your not interested wife to do anal, and why it's not creepy fap to underage teens 243 words Couldn't have said it better myself. 343 words MRW searching for ways to *kindly* talk to my boyfriend about doing his fair share around the house, I find HUNDREDS of posts from women with the same problem. Unpaid domestic labor is SO real, ya'll. Don't let it go unaddressed. 231 words [OC] "sapiosexuals" 155 words Trick question 223 words "All women live by a rape schedule." 178 words Pretty sure I lost my breath before I read his tweet. Why he so fine tho? 231 words MRW, after several very frustrating arguments about inequality and sexism, my bf sends me an article about gender bias in STEM (my field), asks for my thoughts on it, and we have a really great discussion! 268 words As a trans person, I was told today by my president that I am a second class citizen. That I'm less than. Fuck Trump. 350 words HIFW job-hunting 208 words Me, trying to figure out my emotions right now. 436 words A friend of mine posted this on Facebook, and I couldn't agree more. 202 words Hell hath no fury... 472 words Is anyone else confused and kinda infuriated about these gender reveal parties? 237 words MRW a new guy I'm dating calls me a slut after hearing my high 'number' (of previous sexual partners), then calls me a prude for not liking anal sex 701 words honestly a girl's self worth should not be related her ability to look feminine 484 words I'm facing a lot of upcoming changes in my life. Most of them will be good, if I can get over the paralyzing fear of screwing up long enough to get things done. I don't really have anyone to talk to and it's tough.