355 words Mfw my boyfriend (of 7 years) tells me he never wants to get married 640 words Trolls, I didn't get a promotion the other day because they 'found someone who would fit better with the team'. I learned that when they asked the team of two men who they would rather work with, one of them said they wouldn't be able to work with a vagina in the room. I don't know what to do. 327 words You can practically taste the irony 300 words MRW a casual acquaintance says women should "get over" sexual harassment and take the [unwanted] male interest as a compliment... 348 words Just wanted to give a really huge shout out to TJ Maxx for having these in their bathroom. I thought it was absolutely amazing. 321 words I'm trapped in an endless cycle 306 words MRW I see a reddit thread that says the only good things about Hillary Clinton are that she "looks good for her age" and she "married a cool guy". 410 words MRW I see a reddit thread that says the only good things about Hillary Clinton are that she "looks good for her age" and she "married a cool guy". 499 words MRW I'm being downvoted to oblivion for saying catcalling actually happens, and for some reason I just keep arguing with the loser. 320 words So, Joss Whedon Is Pretty Fantastic 388 words John Oliver dropping a truth bomb about Abortion Laws! 649 words MRW I am the organizer for Anita Sarkeesian speaking at the local college campus and I get an email stating that a professor wishes we'd "brought someone who was more relevant to gender issues today and not so specialized!" aaaa! 571 words I think I'm going to get in a huge fight with one of my only IRL friends over Deadpool 365 words Trolls, please help. I've talked with my brother this afternoon about some things he makes me feel and I don't know to deal with it. Story inside. 433 words Figured some of the trolls might be able to relate 516 words Figured some of the trolls might be able to relate 400 words Sounds about right... (X-post from r/childfree) 454 words I struggle with guilt over my sexual assault and wondered if anybody else has similar issues? (Story in comments) 360 words This guy on OKCupid today... Ugh. 353 words My brain sorting out the week of Christmas, the dead cat and multiple IUDs. Story in comments for anyone with an attention span and nothing better to do.