252 words MRW I'm new here and I notice most of the posts are about boyfriends/husbands/SOs and I've been single for three years so I can't relate. 237 words I am speechless. 268 words Default subs in a nutshell :( 398 words I look rather racially ambiguous. MRW today someone asks me, "What ARE you?!" 532 words MRW I'm on a tinder date last night and he tells me there is no real competition between men and women because "women don't have it in them to be competitive, it's not in their genetic makeup." And proceeds to explain.. 244 words Trolls who have had both hormonal/non-hormonal IUDs, how do your experiences with them compare? 199 words The cognitive dissonance is just amazing 179 words mrw trump insults my country's far superior health care with an outright lie and Americans believe him 208 words Trolls, I'm leaving for basic military training in a week. The panic is real. I need uplifting/badass bitch gifs, pics or quote. PLEASE! 202 words I fucked up at work and am waiting to hear back from my boss. I'm super nervous but the worst of the anxiety has passed. Trolls, how did you fuck up at work and how did it turn out?? 608 words MRW my husband and I are on vacation for our anniversary and we have a massive blowout :( 239 words MFW I realize 9 hours later that I forgot to go to a bridal shower that I RSVP-d to. I didn't forget, however, to snapchat my ENTIRE DAY to the bride-to-be. 174 words MFW after my coworker taps my Starbucks coffee saying, "6 dollar coffee" and I respond with, "It's just black, so it wasn't $6, but thanks for judging me." 195 words MRW I keep getting mixed messages from a dude and I'm not sure if it's time to cut him loose or not. Help? 171 words For All the Lefty Trolls! 210 words Been texting a guy for a few weeks and really starting to like him. MRW our convo get a ~bit~ heated and he sends me an unsolicited dick pic after previously talking about NOT sending nudes 201 words Neil deGrasse Tyson, an honorary troll 432 words The fear I have of my husband has enveloped my life. I'm 26 with a 4 year old son. 185 words MRW the guy I was dating and his mother told me they decided I was too pretty to be a doctor and that I should just go to PA school instead of med school. 412 words Trolls, how do you deal with being the 'weird' one at work? I've tried to socialize but I'm not good at small talk. I'm often shunned and ignored