192 words MRW I’m going down fast in mainstream subs for railing against Kavanaugh but I double that shit down 251 words We fucked up, we can do better and will. I'm so sorry 136 words How Republicans feel about women 220 words My mom is pro-kavannaugh. She told me she doesn’t believe dr Ford because “it’s unsubstantiated”. So I finally told her about how I was drugged and raped at a frat party 14 years ago. Her response? “I’m sorry that happened to you but this is different because she’s doing it for political reasons” 142 words Millie Bobby Brown and Drake?? Thought? 215 words How do you break up with someone you love? I adore him and he adores me but there are fundamental differences in our values that lead to me believe we won’t work out in the end. Advice and/or internet hugs needed 170 words MRW I really thought this guy was different and wasn't just using me for my body...and was proven wrong. Again. 233 words I feel this deep in my soul 174 words I feel this deep in my soul 264 words If only all the catcallers were like this... 270 words Dating at 21 vs. 27 184 words Trolls, I found out today that my partner of five years has been cheating on me for two months. I literally don’t know what to do with myself anymore 384 words MRW I look to Canadian politics to take my mind off the US shitshow and see the Trudaeu assault allegations 404 words Special shout out today to people who couldn't be bothered to vote against Trump. 122 words I only surround myself with good people. 199 words MRW I start dating an amazing guy. 137 words MRW I’m browsing r/popular and see people defending being attracted to adolescents 151 words Where is the line between the timeless art of seduction and being a 'nice girl' / false friend? 168 words Best way to ruin a young girl's shopping experience in 3..2..1 (found at JCPenney) 239 words When you meet what you thought was a nice man, but he makes a disparaging comment about women halfway through the date