209 words MRW the guy I'm seeing bails twice in one week on the first thing I've ever really needed his support on, but its for a concretely valid reason. 235 words When your best friend's adoption falls through and you're devastated for her and it's exacerbating your own anxiety about having a family someday because you know you have fertility issues 245 words Just enrolled as a mature student (aged 44) apparently the Internet doesn't like us 726 words HIFW I can't figure out my current feelings about my 2.5 year-long relationship 447 words Constructionworker ripped my fly screen off my window and broke it. After I flipped he said he would put it back on. A week later I fixed it myself an crafted this to put in my window. 357 words I take way too much pleasure in telling angry dudes to "calm down" and to "stop being so emotional" (the same ones who think women are overemotional but apparently anger isn't an emotion?) 412 words For months, I've visited different doctors and different ERs but nobody would remove my ovarian cysts because I'm only 23. Yesterday I finally had surgery and they had to stop because my left ovary is now fused to my colon :) :) :) 334 words Former "nice guy" gets it. 326 words Trolls, I was raped yesterday. I got a rape kit done last night. I am in shock and numb and feel disgusting. It's probably inappropriate to post here, but can someone offer me words of support or kindness or advice? 704 words Texting a cute boy I'd just met, when he starts mansplaining to me my OWN line of work 322 words When you take one last look at a once beloved, but now toxic Subreddit before you click unsubscribe. (Not TrollX, promise) 459 words Trolls, I initiated my divorce but I can't stop crying. 868 words The "not all men" argument. 397 words This popped up on my facebook earlier, and almost made me yell "preach!" right in the middle of the office 556 words MRA - I grow a pair, telling my roommate about my D&A, something I've been hiding since I was 16, his response wasn't bad nor good. 439 words Trolls, I angrily walked out on my boyfriend and now I'm not sure if that was the right thing to do or if it'll lead to us breaking up and I'm filled with uncertainty. 319 words On the whole bathroom issue 430 words My boyfriend is freaking out about my birthday this week. I gave him some ideas. 575 words Trolls, after getting in a bout of depression, I ramped up my job search and found a therapist. MRW I got the call yesterday for a job offer with better pay and benefits and it's not retail! 505 words MRW the 'best' friend my daughter had planned to go to prom with for months ditches her the day before to go with a boy instead.