173 words Is the mindset of having to disclose that you are trans to your romantic partner generated from a transphobic culture/society? Why is a person defined as “trans” at all? Will “cis” one day be viewed as an archaic term? Hypothetical scenarios for thought and discussion. 145 words How to make the "gender is a social contruct" argument? 582 words Perhaps I’m just a coward. 127 words Does anyone else get tripped up by fiction! 199 words Coming out to conflicted/unsupportive parents? 200 words What can I do about hair loss as a transwoman/enby? 167 words Is being a feminist a prerequisite to being transgender? 182 words Some memerable transphobic events in your life? 155 words What is the medical basis (peer-reviewed science/surgery guidelines) that _transwomen_ have to be off hormones for surgery? 149 words What does it mean to "feel like" another gender? 163 words How do I feel like less of a monster? 361 words "you're so brave" 264 words I identify as a trans woman. Not a woman, but a trans woman. Is this internalized transphobia or do I just experience being trans in a slightly different way? 533 words NSFW: Not feeling satisfied even after SRS? 344 words Let's Stop Talking About Gender Advantage in Sports and Talk About De-Gendering Sports 234 words Is being transgender mainly about your outward appearance? Passing etc? 518 words I (cis man) need some advice about sex with a trans person, could anyone help me? 123 words To my lesbian trans women 181 words Recently found out i have a daughter, feel like my journey is over 142 words Anti-androgens in the U.S. (east coast)