Hey, so why the FUCK do (some) one-on-ones scold kids for stimming? What the fuck? What the FUCK? / One-on-one horror stories (please share!)

Yeah I mean, things aren't perfect. You would think people would go into these professions actually understanding what they entail, but apparently not! I don't know how it is where you are, but in the UK at least social service and care workers get paid well below the national minimum wage for which they then have to spend their day working with some very difficult people. I often feel a lot of these negative experiences could be resolved by better hiring standards and more social respect for caring as a profession.

But yeah as an older person on the spectrum, it would have been nice to have even had the awareness that our condition exists as a thing. Those of us beyond our mid-20s mostly just spent our childhoods being forced to mask 24/7 and being punished whenever that mask slipped.

/r/aspergers Thread Parent