237 words What a great time to be an Asian Male 252 words When an Asian female comes up excuses on why she doesn’t date Asian men- fool me once – shame on you. When multiple Asian females come up with the same excuses on why she doesn’t date Asian men- fool me twice – shame on me. 266 words Free-for-all 498 words Terrorism in the west? Opioid "epidemic"? Migrant "invasion" to white countries? Rampant degeneracy? Whites becoming minorities in their own countries? 181 words "In 85 percent of the physical assault crimes, the victims were Asian and the perpetrators were African American." 255 words /r/AsianParentStories is as bad as, if not worse, than /r/AA 175 words As an Asian American woman, what can I do to help Asian men, especially my friends and family? 541 words Free-for-all 249 words Being a Christian but aware of Asian issues? 279 words (Unsolicited) Advice: stick to a narrative, and develop an attitude 344 words Beware of yellow fever trolls from Bakchodi, allies of CCJ2, Japancirclejerk, Koreacirclejerk, Saigoncirclejerk 171 words Beware of yellow fever trolls from Bakchodi, allies of CCJ2, Japancirclejerk, Koreacirclejerk, Saigoncirclejerk 217 words Races, Cultures and Geography (EVERYBODY SHOULD KNOW THIS) 269 words Beware of yellow fever trolls from Bakchodi, allies of CCJ2, Japancirclejerk, Koreacirclejerk, Saigoncirclejerk 236 words How exactly have Asians been racist against blacks? 196 words Disgusting. Terrorist attack in London this morning and alt-righters, rather than giving sympathy for the victims, spread this out-of context picture on social media to spread fear. 227 words Western sexpat brag about sleeping with 200 Chinese girls in 4 years, shared it on Chinese social media, 8 million views which made Chinese people aware of White sexpats who see Chinese girls as easy 190 words Sorry Left-Winger Asians- 'Total Victimhood' is not the Answer 367 words Disproving the "Thailand relies on sexpats for its economy" 'argument'... 297 words If China were to lead the world, would it be so bad?