Beware of yellow fever trolls from Bakchodi, allies of CCJ2, Japancirclejerk, Koreacirclejerk, Saigoncirclejerk

The thread seems to be mainly filled with Northern Upper Caste Indians. Based on the observations they, at least the subscribers of that sub, seem to be basically light skinned Latin Americans. Not wanting to admit that they are white worshiping, especially India that was ruled for 300 years by the Anglos. But basically envying the preferential social position in this world of being white and expressing it in their rhetoric. Not only East Asians they say mad racist shit to every other ethnic group in India, it seems like its only recently they started insulting East Asians before the favorite of that sub is calling Dravidians niggers. And they use every Western engendered stereotype to talk down to Non-Indians. They make fun of Chinese for having small dicks, even though White supremacists do the same to Indians, I've also seen guys on that reddit making fun of the Chinese for doing math. Like are you kidding me? I see so many Indians being proud of inventing modern mathematics that its honestly giving me cognitive dissonance seeing an Indian bring up the racist of stereotype of Chinese math nerds.

Man, I guess I know what Shashi Tharoor is saying when he mentions that India still has a hard time mentally uncolonizing itself. Come to think of it, all Asians do. Our historical rivalries go back for so long that we are all essentially playing the role of Mir Jaffar, willing to accept the help of the whites because your neigbhor happened to be home to ancient kingdom that burned your nation's capital down several centuries ago. When will it end?

/r/aznidentity Thread