149 words u/theskyisnotthelimit walks through the large historical milestones in Afghanistan since the 70s. Spoiler: foreign coups and intervention made things worse and worse. 125 words /u/Cymdia describes how the pandemic caused them to re-evaluate their life and their work-life balance in how it relates to the one aspect of the labor shortage 158 words u/ImpossibleParfait examines how good, kind average people feel no moral conflict when supporting Trump, and how boomer upbringing leaves them ill-equipped to address 21st century problems the US aces 191 words u/CurlSagan explains why the cop who played Taylor Swift music to get a DMCA strike, a seemingly clever way of avoiding getting his video plastered all over the internet, made a stupid decision in doing so. 175 words /u/throwawaynumber53 gives us the legal rundown on Bill Cosby's release 152 words u/titotito2 explains bad faith tactics "magically transforming every single tiny effort designed to uplift black people into a negative thing" that they "cannot stand or are getting tired of." 125 words NOTNixonsGhost explains what the Chinese gov't really don't want people to know about the Tiananmen Square massacre 192 words U/tjer explains the gender transition process in children and why preventing it is harmful 123 words u/agoodusernameno1has explains why Robinhood is not doing anything illegal by freezing GME trades 147 words /u/AndrewJamesDrake explains on an economic, strategic, and logistical level why it isn’t unreasonable to see a lack of technological advancement in a high fantasy setting (e.g. in the Elder Scrolls games) 213 words u/IlikeJG gives a chilling explanation to the question: why, after all these years, has the GOP finally turned on Trump? 166 words r/victorvictor1 lists some reasons the military may not support Trump’ coup attempts 222 words u/Erbedamart explains the more nefarious reason why the Trump campaign picked Four Seasons Landscaping 186 words GA resident gets all of their ducks in a row to register to vote and describes the grueling process, resulting in them voting in FL. 220 words u/ZookeepergameMost100 explains why the Presidential race is so close amongst the working class 192 words u/andrewrgross explains how to really change your grandparents minds on their support of trump 174 words u/AnOnlineHandle leverages Hitler's childish character traits to reveal immaturity as a common element of authoritarians 140 words /u/Mythosaurus rebukes an assertion that lions are not king of the jungle. 227 words /u/kraulerson Invites people who think "It's my right" to contract COVID-19, to turn the tables and consider if they'd still feel that way if they were themselves in a highly susceptible population. 123 words /u/k_ironheart explains why and how Mitch McConnell wants states to go bankrupt, and make his rich donors richer