u/IlikeJG gives a chilling explanation to the question: why, after all these years, has the GOP finally turned on Trump?

This is simplistic but I think there is some truth here I have been trying to get down today.

Many of my Trumpet family members now claim they voted third party in one or both elections, but they're still the same conservative idiots they always were. "Even though I didn't vote for Trump this time, I don't think Trump voters were wrong to vote for Trump because of this list of right wing talking points." Basically they don't want to admit they voted for a loser, even though you fucking know who they bubbled in when the curtain closed behind them.

Republicans can't stand losing. Being a winner is part of their identity, so when their guy loses they claim they didn't vote for him. If Trump had won in 2020 or had any success staging his coup, Republicans would have gone right along with him as for as long as it benefited them. My idiot family members would be telling me "you have TDS almost as bad as 2016; you need to accept the reality that many people in this country think like Trump."

Basically fuck everyone who was stupid enough to vote for Trump even once for any reason. There was no valid reason to vote for Trump except, "I'm a fucking idiot."

/r/bestof Thread Link - reddit.com