249 words What made you finally think "Ok i seriously need to put on weight" 253 words Tips for breaking the plateau? 239 words [Mod] Simple Questions - the weekly stupid questions thread! - Week Beginning April 05, 2021 304 words Is it time to give up if I only weigh 115 lbs at 5’11”? 403 words 25M. 135 lbs. 6ft. Started gym after being scared my entire life. Help needed. 266 words I'm so confused....I watched this video by Greg docutte and does this mean I can gain weight without being in a caloric surplus ? 187 words I know everybody have different muscle insertions but how i could make the deltoids pop more ? 133 words Anyone else face ridicule for simply chasing aesthetics? 143 words [Mod] Simple Questions - the weekly stupid questions thread! - Week Beginning September 23, 2019 113 words Will cutting back on the weight gain do anything for me? 167 words I'm about to start college and I can only curl 10 pounds. 165 words [Mod] Simple Questions - the weekly stupid questions thread! - Week Beginning July 22, 2019 176 words [Mod] Simple Questions - the weekly stupid questions thread! - Week Beginning July 15, 2019 227 words How can I start off at the gym? 130lbs 5'9, very little muscle. 135 words Testosterone therapy helped increase my bench press by 50 pounds in 2 months 495 words Experienced gainers who’ve gone from skinny to ripped, what advice would you give to your former self? 179 words Huge bump on my arm after workout 160 words [HELP] Looking for alternatives for overhead tricep excercises due to injury. 154 words [Mod] Simple Questions - the weekly stupid questions thread! - Week Beginning January 21, 2019 402 words What was it like going to the gym for the first time by yourself?