What was it like going to the gym for the first time by yourself?

I tricked myself into it. I started by playing racquetball with a friend, and hitting the exercise bike for like 15 min. The weights felt so awkward, and I always thought people were criticizing my form in the back of their mind.

About two weeks into my super light workout routine, I decided to stay on the bike a little longer, and hit some of the weight machines. I felt SO good the next two days that all my cares about others watching me or me doing lifts incorrectly dissolved. The only thing that mattered after that point was the mood boost I got from exercising.

I didn’t really hit the bench press or free weights until my body started showing physical results. I could play racquetball longer, had more energy throughout the day etc. Others noticed and it was the complete confidence boost I needed to do the research. I changed my diet, started watching videos about form and different exercises, which inevitably led me to r/gainit. (Side note: big thank you to the peeps on this sub)

Take it from me; I’m lazy dude. Throughout my life I have had a hard time instilling healthy habits. I lack the patience for books over 300 pages, I couldn’t quit smoking to save my life, and I’m a massive marijuana enthusiast. After that initial exercise high, my lifestyle gradually changed. The reason for me finally quitting smoking was to be able to ride the bike for more than 30 min on a med-high setting. I don’t smoke weed because it takes away my steam when I get to the gym. I have finished more books in the past year than I have in I can’t remember when, just sitting on the bike and jamming out a good novel.

And finally, if you told me to read this comment a little over year ago, I would have never believed it. Im surprised with, and proud of my self. That keeps me going three times a week.

P.S. there’s a steam room there and if it’s the end of the week, sometimes I’ll smoke a j in the parking lot and just roast like a dumpling in a crockpot. Everybody has to have some sort of carrot on the end of the proverbial stick, or we’re all just a bunch of aimless jackasses.


/r/gainit Thread