What made you finally think "Ok i seriously need to put on weight"

I was bulking ineffectively due to too much cardio and not enough calories but I did made slow progress over the years (I had been trying to gain weight for 3 years), but then decided that I wanted to live a healthier life and went vegan for nearly 2 months (eating mostly salads and drinking pretty much just water), which combined with an increase in cardio resulted in me virtually losing all my progress and dropping to 60kg. Then, months later, a heartbreak happened and that was kind of a wake up call. I dropped that lifestyle immediately and started training calisthenics and bulking.

By the end of this month a whole year will have passed since I started bulking. I'm at 87kg, and have made solid gains with calisthenics. I've kept a strict regimen, mind you, training pretty much everyday (not saying this lightly, I even went to the park to train on new year's eve after celebrating). I've been trying to make changes to my physique for many many years, and with this combination of calisthenics and bulking I finally started to see results, so I got hooked. It's been an obsession, but a good one. I hope to reach 100kg this upcoming summer (dec-feb). I've honestly never felt better about my physique in my life. Which, in turn, has improved other aspects of my life as well. I find myself in disbelief looking at myself in pictures. Bulking has truthfully made a huge, positive impact in my life.

/r/gainit Thread