168 words Nice South Park Easter Egg Gearbox 160 words Every gamer should see this thread. 158 words "My son will understand" 318 words It's the truth. 144 words How did Y2K affect the gaming world at the time? 127 words One of my earliest and worst gaming memories will always be the first time I looked up at that ring 207 words Just trying to pass the time on a mandatory 72hr psych hold. Games are just about the only thing that makes me smile these days. 116 words RE: On the topic of people a) posting cool custom gaming shit here b) top comment indicates they would "totally pay for you to make something like this" and c) Smartie-pantses saying "B-b-b-but my corporate overlords will surely not like this in terms of copyright law!" Here is a response. 124 words There's no feeling better than getting hatemailed after a match. 221 words Got to meet one of the original creators of Doom today in Northern Ireland, John Romero. He also signed a Doom shirt for me aswell 553 words Worse 136 words What are your top 3 in-game villages, settlements or cities, and why? 164 words Assassin's Creed 124 words What game should I buy 309 words Avid Gamers , what are the things newcomers should look out for when purchasing games? 130 words If cigarettes legally have to carry horrific imagery to curb smoking, surely the same laws can be applied to certain video games ? At least it would might make parents think twice before buying Mature games for underage children. 256 words Press f 109 words Final Crash Gameplay Trailer | Demo Released 162 words There's always that one guy 138 words an actual FREE TO PLAY game