588 words Tantrum Tuesday - The Day to Rant! 228 words How do you all deal with "help" from your significant other while on your weight loss journey? 192 words I'm on a very extreme diet because I'm obese and my dietitian wants me to lose weight ASAP but i'm always craving fast food. Help! 258 words Daily Q&A Post for Tuesday, 03 October 2017 - No question too small! 231 words Am I the only one who finds going for a walk alone uncomfortable? 213 words Weight loss alternative? I don't want to do dieting? 237 words Q: recommendations for weight loss after ED recovery? 185 words I cheated on my diet! and proud of it...should I be? 238 words Help me help my wife 184 words Reminder: You are allowed to love yourself as you are and still work towards becoming thinner or healthier. Do not reserve your happiness for a later date or a later weight. 323 words Hi my name is /u/dorasucks, and I'm an addict. 274 words Vent: walking while female. 366 words My 1st post! Any short girls here? Needing some advice on my TDEE and how to fight the urge to munch! 296 words I battle myself everyday over food and I feel like ending it all 441 words FtM Trans body/weight milestone slash wow I've come a long way in the last few years 204 words Let's talk about regret 380 words Motivation Monday. Get and give motivation for yourself or others. 217 words Tantrum Tuesday - The Day to Rant! 278 words How many of you were fat as children? 189 words For those of you a bit further along, what were you in denial to yourself about?