Am I the only one who finds going for a walk alone uncomfortable?

Ok so realtalk, mentioning lack of a dog leads me to believe what this is about. Can I mention it's so important that more women concealed carry, learn handguns and how to use them quickly and accurately every time? Unless you are part of a very small minority of 5'4 mma fighter ninja women who can defend against any 6 foot 200 pound future-inmate it's literally the thing you have to do.

I'm a dad of 2 girls who aren't old enough yet to go for jogs alone at night but would appreciate a world where when they are, I know that thugs know that there are plenty of ladies out there ready to do whatever it takes.

I know it seems crazy or sad to some that people should walk around armed, I live in a very safe place too but stuff can happen even in very safe places I think you know that and that's what the thread is about. Putting my daughters aside, putting my mom, my aunts, my cousins, my nieces aside, I'd appreciate if even susan from accounting (who annoys me every gd morning on the phone with her shit) feels safe to jog alone too. If more women carry and women in general are safer but some are still against carrying (maybe even my daughters) I hope they realize they are safer because of the ones who do.

/r/loseit Thread