157 words Best way to break news to family 128 words The fallacy of believing every talk given by a President of the Church is revelation 172 words Patriarchal Blessing 185 words The Brighamite LDS Church insists you pray with the words “thee” and “thou” - newsroom article about prayer at beginning of 2nd Hour. 304 words As a PIMO, posts like these on the failthful sub hurt. + Open letter to people who think they could be gay but "not act on it" 255 words Maybe time for some mormon positivity? 550 words Responding with empathy to tragic situations starts with talking about it 147 words I saw this on Instagram. Was there anything at conference that was so groundbreaking “the adversary” wouldn’t want it shared? This is so dramatic. 204 words Who is correct? God or the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil? 101 words How do I resign? 136 words "It is not for you to judge another's choice." Strike that. Reverse it. This way please: "Do not be led astray by those whose doubts may be fueled by things you cannot see in their lives." 180 words Do you think reasonable TBMs are getting pushed away from the church and a feeling of belonging by more extreme members? 252 words RANT: Faithful family absolutely refuses to see my side 161 words [Unpopular Opinion] I like Elder Oaks - and he's bringing it today when talking about the US Constitution - I know he's got his shortcomings but he IS a constitutional scholar - and what he is saying today is VERY relevant to recent events in America 124 words A man throws his daughter under the bus today in fast and testimony meeting 167 words What if we all stopped using the C-word here? 167 words Your Feelings 332 words Told my TBM wife that I don't believe in the church anymore tonight... 226 words Redditor makes 'hot drink alternatives' list after LDS Church clarifies 'Word of Wisdom' 137 words x-post from r/byu: Walkout next Friday to reform the honor code office!