Remember when Lenin woke-scolded everyone about “white privilege” while leading the Bolsheviks during the revolution?

Forgot that this is a thing in the US, so not the greatest of examples, even though the point still stands.

Around my neck of the woods people of African heritage generally have come here in the last couple of generations and thus usually identify more with the culture they or their family come from. That would make it a bit rude to just call them "african". But yeah, it's a lot different when you have generations of history between you and wherever your ancestors came from.

Kinda feel bad for using that as an example now, as I sympathize with that situation. My cultural identity is an umbrella that was basically made up during 18th century nationalism to unify/displace existing tribal identities. It's a complex thing that's neither great nor awful. It's bad how much culture and heritage was destroyed, but without it there might be even less left as unifying as a nation put an end to colonization. I rather take this than having no trace of my heritage left, so, complicated.

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