1 in 1000 New York City residents have now died from Coronavirus

Not that I am aware of.

Bottom line, at least 25% of the population of New York City has caught COVID-19 and has either recovered or perished. [1] At least half the people who caught it probably didn't realize they had it. [2]

[1] A 1% overall death rate is expected ("COVID-19 had a death rate around 10x of the common flu"). As of today, 17,671 New Yorkers have perished, therefore an infection rate of around 1.8M, or about 25% of the population. The actual rate is probably higher due to deaths indirectly caused by COVID-19 not being included and the city being up to a week behind behind in processing deaths. [2] https://edition.cnn.com/2020/04/01/europe/iceland-testing-coronavirus-intl/index.html (sorry, can't find a free link to the source paper)

/r/Coronavirus Thread Parent Link - bdkhealth.com