is 128tick for comp and 32tick for casual servers a good change?

Think about it for more than a second.

I assume i'm talking to an adult, that's how you talk to another adult?

10v10 competes with Battlefield et al and provides the exciting experience of a large group game

comparing games like h&g, bf, ps2, cod with cs:go doesn't work. those games have respawn, huge maps, different classes. cs:go is not designed to be a large group game and that's the reason it's so successful. those war games are far too chaotic to allow the coordination that teams can pull off in CS

Sales to this casual market are why you have well funded game to enjoy.

yeah those 15 bucks everyone pays once and not the exorbitant "gaben-tax" when someone pays 2.15€ to open a case for a 5cent skin or 15% of every single steam-market transaction(!!!) are the reasons this game is so well funded...

See all teams' POVs & x-ray gives both a social aspect and the ability to learn from the good players on all teams. See the spot your killer was in, and why it worked, try it next time, get better.

dude.... demos....

Economy is controlled largely by round result, thanks to halved kill rewards. This stops good players coming down and being able to destroy and buy an AWP every round, as well as closing the gap between winning and losing side to something more fair. They want players to be able to buy a gun every round, and to buy the big guns at least 2-3 times, because the mode is for fun.

isn't that incredible half-assed. i'd rather give everyone 16k every round (except 1 pistol and maybe 1 knife round) than having that pseudo economy where the good players shouldn't dominate and the bad players shouldn't be left behind.

Casual has absolutely no effect on MM. There is no reason whatsoever to coordinate the rule sets between two modes that serve two very different needs.

some rules shouldn't be applied but the solid_teammates command for example is bullshit, i'm not allowed to boost to spots because it's casual or what?

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