TIL that in 1993, an Army husband cut off his wifes lovers head, dropped in her lap while she was in the hospital pregnant and said ""Look Diane, Glover's here. He'll sleep with you every night, only you won't sleep at night."

It's easy to attack another person's world views. It takes years to build a city, and moments to destroy it. Months of interaction to build a relationship, one bad date to ruin it. Paragraphs to build a sound argument, one hole to drown the otherwise watertight. Passive aggressive comments like "Pretty messed up worldview you got there" and "That's dumb", without any logical counterargument is spineless, illogical, and non-axiomatic - not asserting YOU'RE spineless - that again, would be an emotional attack. But the statement was. Those are emotional response. No different than those that caused the woman to cheat, and the man to murder. Feelings betray you. Logic does not.

Inb4 someone accuses me of thinking I'm better than others or some other emotional attack.

I can't argue with your feelings.

But you can bet your ass I can argue simplicity. Morality isn't grey, people are. You don't have to be religious, for lack of a better example, to see that the Ten Commandments (Egyptian BotD tenents or Hammurabi laws) weren't divinely ordained. They were general man-made guidelines that everyone heard and were like, "Huh, yeah man, those make sense, I can get behind those". Guess what 2 things are on there? Murder, and holy cow, Coveting someone else's spouse. Oddly enough, the average person still agrees with those things, including little 8 year old you.

Also, if you "Obviously" see my point, why is the world view messed up? Because it's exposed and rigid? Or is my argument that water tight, that you "See my point", you disagree, because 'feelings'?

There is absolutely nothing wrong with standing up for what you believe in. And I believe her dishonesty is EQUALLY as terrible as his rashness. Of course I'm a fan of Superman, "who gives us an ideal to strive for", rather than Batman, who selfishly goes after Rachel when Harvey is the obvious choice for the world. CMV. I respect those who argue logically.

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