Which champion did you main before it got banned or nerfed to oblivion, thanks to LCS?

Viktor is one of the most OP champions in the game atm. LPL he is picked or banned 100% of the time.

I also love this champion and play him a lot, so I'm worried about nerfs but honestly he deserves nerfs.

Hexcore: Great stats at a cheap cost. It's like an Archangel's Staff without the shield and half the mana, but way more AP. The AP is essential because Viktor's ratios are way overtuned and also combos greatly with Rabadon's. It also allows Viktor to go CDR glyphs without losing too much power. But what really makes this awesome is the augmentations.

Q - Pros: Low mana cost, ridiculously low cooldown, high point and click damage, easy to use, makes trading one sided in your favor, becomes absolutely disgusting with lich bane

  • cons: short range, but the augment solves that AND Viktor's short range problem in general.

W - 1 point wonder spell that you can just plop if you are in danger. Completely screws enemies that dont respect it.

  • Augment is pretty meh

E - Pros: extremely versatile, can be casted instantaneously at origin (cant be dodged), does not interrupt Viktor's actions, long range

  • cons: High mana cost, high CD but becomes much lower with CDR, somewhat hard to use at first

  • Augment- Increases the damage drastically, and turns it into a high burst, wave clear, poke, and all-around ability. The second proc can be dodged but it is highly reliable.

R - Pros: Instant cast (cant be dodged), insane AOE burst damage, even more insane DoT (majority of damage), can interrupt channels, forces the enemy to relocate themselves from the Storm

  • cons: short range, but Augemented Q + Flash solves that.

  • Augment: Makes the DoT very reliable.

Because of Viktor's kit, he is extraordinarily versatile. He has so many 100% viable builds, and it is magnificent. This post is already way too long, so I'll forego them.

  • Lower his AP ratios
  • Lower the AP from Hexcore (168 atm)
  • Lower the width on E
  • Make him slower
  • Lower the CD on Q
  • Nerf Q + Lich Bane somehow
  • Balance his Augments

I expect at least two of the above to happen.

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