I (14M) feel like my bio dad (40M) doesn't care about me.

Hi Buddy. My name's A and I'm 26. Firstly, I'd like to commend you on the maturity you're displaying in the face of all of this. It's very impressive. You're clearly a compassionate and righteous person. I have no doubt that this will put you in fine stead for the future. I expect you to become a fine young man (if you're not one already).

My father has often been selfish to the point whereby I have stopped speaking to him on many occasions. I can relate to that feeling. What I will say, though, is that as adults we have to prioritise in life. Sometimes we prioritise so much to the point of obliviousness. I feel like this is the case with your dad. It's not that he doesn't care, it's just that he's temporarily blinded by what he considers to be bigger issues in his life.

Could you not consult your mum about this too and see what she thinks? That aside, personally, I suggest you try to talk to him one to one and say what you've said here. You've expressed yourself incredibly well and articulately. I see no reason why he shouldn't be able to understand you. Make sure he knows that he's damaging your relationship irreparably and that he risks losing you altogether.

If you still feel that, following your conversation with your dad, that he's still being negligent towards you, then the course of action you take is completely up to you. You will be an adult soon. Decision making is something we have to do. Be that you feel that he's worth keeping in your life or be that you feel his toxicity is stifling your growth.

Do what's best for you. Good luck and feel free to DM if you want to discuss further x


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