15 Years old, dad gave me $1966 in his TD Ameritrade stock account and told me to "learn through experience".

Find something you know to get started. It's much easier when you keep the barrier to entry lower. I know and work in tech, feel the industry as a whole is still growing, and so I invest in tech.

AMD is cheap right now and likely doesn't drop much more (unless something big on the CPU scene happens). Intel is already healthy but consistently growing. I buy both, because the demand for their products isn't diminishing, and they both grow over time.

Lots of opinions on the market but I think he wants you to learn and understand it for yourself. It's popular to bash on people owning stock in your 20s, until you hit your 30s or 40s, hopefully a little success in a career, and have a little extra money left over each check. After a while you realize the $4/mo your bank is giving you in interest is ridiculous when a few hundred dollars in AMD stock would have earned $10 on Friday alone, as it did me.

It's gambling at the end of the day, so only put in what you are willing to lose.

Good luck!

/r/personalfinance Thread